Edit Setting
BackImportant Rules
For each config settings that would be added to the system, make sure it has these constant/slug:
- SITE_TITLE - Will be replaced by website title from the admin settings.
- ADMIN_EMAIL - Will be replaced by admin email from the admin settings.
- FROM_EMAIL - Will be replaced by email from the admin settings.
- WEBSITE_OWNER - Will be replaced by Owner name from admin settings.
- TELEPHONE - Will be replaced by phone number from admin settings.
- ADMIN_PAGE_LIMIT - Will be replaced by admin page limit from admin settings.
- FRONT_PAGE_LIMIT - Will be replaced by front page limit from admin settings.
- ADMIN_DATE_FORMAT - Will be replaced by admin date format from admin settings.
- ADMIN_DATE_TIME_FORMAT - Will be replaced by admin date time format from admin settings.
- FRONT_DATE_FORMAT - Will be replaced by front date format from admin settings.
- FRONT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT - Will be replaced by front date time format from admin settings.
- CONTACT_US_TEXT - Will be replaced by front date time format from admin settings.
- GOOGLE_MAP_KEY - Will be replaced by front date time format from admin settings.
- OFFICE_ADDRESS - Will be replaced by front date time format from admin settings.
- DEVELOPMENT_MODE - Will be replaced by debug mode from admin settings.